Still one of my favorite posts. May have happened a couple years ago but helping people out always creates fond memories that last a lifetime! It has been several years since I have had artwork for on my refrigerator! Thanks to a customer’s daughter I do now! Skunks were traveling through their yard every night […]
Read MoreSkunks tend to live under porches, patios, sheds, and crawl spaces and usually exit at night as they are a nocturnal animal. Skunks are not only a nuisance because of their smell, but they do raid trash cans, dig holes in lawns looking for earthworms, grubs and insects. They are also very poor climbers and […]
Read MoreTWO YEARS AGO TODAY – Not an April Fools Joke – I received phone call at 6:45 am this morning from a person who accidentally caught a skunk in a rabbit trap. I was the second business he called and although my pricing was less than my competitor, he chose to move the skunk himself […]
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Read MoreWhen an animal falls into your window well, we provide emergency service to remove it! Animals that fall into the egress window areas can be skunks, woodchucks, muskrats, opossums, and many more. Just call Suburban Wildlife Solutions at 920-228-1033.
Read MoreA couple very busy weeks of removing skunks means it is time to add more supplies, just in case! Skunks can be a smelly job! Skunk removal recipe is found here:
Read MoreIn Wisconsin skunks are born about late April, typically 6 skunks per litter. Small skunks will start to emerge from their den about mid June. These skunks were living under a concrete porch and were too small to spray….yet. Though skunks look cute and playful, please remember skunks are one of the primary carriers […]
Read MoreSuburban Wildlife Solutions are experts at skunk removal! Please call us with any skunk related issues for our expert solutions at 920-228-1033 or
Read MoreOften we get call of animals that have fallen into window wells. Skunks and Muskrats being the most common. Covering these window wells will eliminate the problem, however most of the calls we receive, the uncovered window wells are vital as they are the fire escape or egress route for a bedroom, office, or recreational […]
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